Ioannis Anagnostopoulos
Professor |
Head of Dpt of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics |
| Welcome to my homepage. I currently serve at the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, School of Sciences, University of Thessaly.
Here you may find some information regarding my reasearch and teaching activities.
My Research Interests
- Web Information Management
- Internet Technologies and Web Applications
- Communication Networks
- Multimedia Retrieval, Personalisation / Adaptation
- Social Networking and Integrated Services
- E-Commerce, E-Learning
- Intelligent Systems
- Applications in Bioinformatics
Teaching (teaching material in e-class )
- Introduction to Computer Science (1st semester)
- Computer Networks (4th semester)
- Internet Technologies and Web Programming (5th semester)
- Linked Data and Systems (8th semester)
- Semantic Representation of Biomedical Data (Postgraduate)
- Information, Networking and Web Technologies(Postgraduate)
Contact Information: |
Papassiopoulou 2-4 Str. |
35100, Galaneika, Lamia |
Tel.: +30 22310 66937 |
Skype: janag_voip |
Email: janag dib.uth.gr
News |